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Конфликтология / nota bene
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Zanitti F.B. Future Davos forum in Kyrgyzstan

Аннотация: This article is intended to clarify several sociopolitical issues regarding the Central Asian region. Do we detect a new approach that Russia, together with India and China, uses to form a multipolar world? Will the new Davos forum in Kyrgyzstan attract the leaders of the most influential Central Asian countries, and become as representative as its European prototype? Late 2014 was marked by the signing of several bilateral agreements during Summits involving Russia, India and China. According to numerous international experts, improved relations between Moscow and the two Asian giants (China and India), represents another big step in transforming a unipolar world order with the USA as the only leading country into a multipolar world. The analysis of the main reasons for Beijing and New Deli becoming closer with Moscow will start with the complications in Russia-US relations. One of the reasons for Russia-West relations becoming colder is the position of Russia in the Ukrainian crisis, which resulted in Russian leadership reaching a decision to expand their foreign policy vector in Eastern direction. With that said, tighter connections of Russia, China and India fully reflects long-term interests of those countries. Despite several questionable moments in Russian foreign policy in Eastern Europe and Near East, Beijing and New Deli view Russia as a reliable partner for further dialogue, cooperation and trade. The Russia-China cooperation, since 1990s, is actively developing, while strategic Russia-India partnership still maintains the image of the USSR era, when the Cold War took place. We also cannot discount the fact that Russia, India and China are already working together in many international organizations, like the BRICS forum (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa, and, on this basis, they already have opportunities to develop new platforms for political, economic, and military cooperation, like the Shanghai Cooperation Organization. At the same time, the Russia-India-China strategic triangle already has a huge potential for combining efforts to achieve mutual goals, which can, in turn, give birth to a new model of international dialog, signature for the newly-forming multipolar world.

Ключевые слова:

politics, international security, geopolitics, trend, state, security, diplomacy, international relations, international life, interests.

Abstract: This article is intended to clarify several sociopolitical issues regarding the Central Asian region. Do we detect a new approach that Russia, together with India and China, uses to form a multipolar world? Will the new Davos forum in Kyrgyzstan attract the leaders of the most influential Central Asian countries, and become as representative as its European prototype? Late 2014 was marked by the signing of several bilateral agreements during Summits involving Russia, India and China. According to numerous international experts, improved relations between Moscow and the two Asian giants (China and India), represents another big step in transforming a unipolar world order with the USA as the only leading country into a multipolar world. The analysis of the main reasons for Beijing and New Deli becoming closer with Moscow will start with the complications in Russia-US relations. One of the reasons for Russia-West relations becoming colder is the position of Russia in the Ukrainian crisis, which resulted in Russian leadership reaching a decision to expand their foreign policy vector in Eastern direction. With that said, tighter connections of Russia, China and India fully reflects long-term interests of those countries. Despite several questionable moments in Russian foreign policy in Eastern Europe and Near East, Beijing and New Deli view Russia as a reliable partner for further dialogue, cooperation and trade. The Russia-China cooperation, since 1990s, is actively developing, while strategic Russia-India partnership still maintains the image of the USSR era, when the Cold War took place. We also cannot discount the fact that Russia, India and China are already working together in many international organizations, like the BRICS forum (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa, and, on this basis, they already have opportunities to develop new platforms for political, economic, and military cooperation, like the Shanghai Cooperation Organization. At the same time, the Russia-India-China strategic triangle already has a huge potential for combining efforts to achieve mutual goals, which can, in turn, give birth to a new model of international dialog, signature for the newly-forming multipolar world.


politics, international security, geopolitics, trend, state, security, diplomacy, international relations, international life, interests.

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